The submission of entry forms to participate in the Gulf of Riga Regatta (GoRR) has started. Organizers are willing to exceed the greatest number of Latvian Offshore Sailing teams participated so far in GoRR and would love to welcome at least 50 boats from six countries of the Baltic Sea region. This year’s event will mark Renaissance in Latvian offshore sailing. And its greatest target is to attract sailors attention to the major maritime ecological problems that we are currently facing.
The event will be also Latvian Offshore Sailing Championship and Livonia Cup Challenge. It will take place from June 25 to June 29 in the Gulf of Riga just after the Midsummer celebration in Latvia. GoRR will be having five legs and all fleet will stop in two harbors of Latvia - Roja and Kuivizi, as well as in Estonian islands – Saaremaa, entering Montu and Kuressaare marines, and Ruhnu.
GoRR organizers are willing to establish also a new tradition this year – for the first time the best team in each participating group will be awarded with the Livonia Cup, which will symbolize revival of the offshore sport-sailing traditions in Latvia. (..)
Full article about Gulf of Riga Regatta is available in Latvian on www.skaties.lv